Members of Las Vegas Mothers of Multiples receive the benefit of being part of a group of parents of multiples who understand the joys and challenges of raising multiple-birth children. You will be invited to attend monthly meetings, activities, and special events like our annual Halloween party, Breakfast with Santa, Easter Egg Hunt (with the Easter bunny), Fire Station tours and more! You won't need to worry, your family will be covered by our insurance while attending all member events. You also have the option to participate in our semi-annual yard sales as a seller. Joining the club will mean that you will have access to great levels of peer support. Your membership in the Multiples of America (NOMOTC) and Southern California Mothers of Multiples Club is also included with your dues so you will be able to attend conventions and workshops as well!

Top 10 reasons to join LVMoMs while you're still pregnant:

1. No one will be amazed at your size and wonder if you're going to "give birth any second."

2. We've "been there, done that" - and like to help other new MoMs who are just starting out on this incredible journey.

3. Get advice on baby products before you buy, and see what you need to buy two of, one of, none of... and what you can never have enough of!

4. Receive a list of our favorite doctors and specialists to help you choose.

5. Spring and Fall Club yard sales- stock up on essentials for less!

6. New supportive friends. And you deserve a night out before the babies arrive!

7. Access to our preemie closet and library of pregnancy and parenting books.

8. Our New MoMs Teas in the Spring and Fall help you connect with other pregnant MoMs.

9. After your babies are born, none of us will ever ask if you boy/girl twins are identical or say, "You sure have your hands full!". In fact, we're a great place to share all the silly things you'll hear raising multiples.

10. Trust us- after the babies arrive you'll be glad to have one less thing on your to-do list!

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